Collection: Tender Leaf Toys

Tender Leaf Toys are here at Cottage Toys and Interiors. We have the full range of dolls houses, dolls house furniture, educational toys, market stall and foods. Tender Leaf toys are one of our favourite brands and we feel that their design is far superior than any other toy manufactures. The beautiful range is unique and totally design led. Contemporary designs which stand out from the rest of the toys on the market are a unique selling point. 

Tender leaf toys are also the most earth friendly manufactures that we know of. They have been manufacturing wooden toys for more than 30 years and only use Indonesian rubber wood which is an economic and eco friendly wood that the Indonesian government is committed to replanting. As the production of latex that the rubber tree is planted for decreases after 25 years, traditionally the trees were felled and burned. However under Indonesian law they take that timber and turn them into some of the best wooden toys on the market. For every tree that is cut down another is planted in its place.

Tender leaf toys also practice a high level of fair employment. They achieve a high level by employing 1600 local workers and train them into skilled craftsmen. The timber arrives one side of the factory, is manufactured and packaged and leaves the same factory, meaning everything is under one roof. 

Every one of their wooden toys a real rubber wood tree has been felled, dried, cut and sanded then painted uniquely by one of their skilled craftsmen. Each toy is unique and crafted from a living material and hand finished.

This is why we love Tender leaf toys, they are a completely unique brand which encompass everything that we believe in. Quality toys, contemporary design and a unique product created under the most ethical conditions.